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Sleep Apnea Test: See If You Have Sleep Apnea Here | CPAP PRO

Obstructive sleep apnea affects as many as 20+ million Americans. And many more millions go undiagnosed and without OSA treatment. Having been a provider of CPAP sleep apnea masks since the late 1990’s, NoMask has helped thousands of patients throughout the world with treating their sleep apnea. Answer these short questions and see how you score on our unofficial OSA test!

1. I have pauses in my breathing during sleep

The most worrisome symptom that may signalize sleep apnea are short breaks of no breathing during sleep. The sleep apnea patient can wake up several times during one night gasping for air. These pauses in breathing can last anywhere from ten seconds to over one minute.

2. I snore loudly each and every night

The most common symptom of all OSA-patients is unrhythmic and loud snoring during sleep. Although snoring can be associated with other sleep disorders, nearly all suffering from apnea will experience constant excessive loud snoring.

3. I am overweight and/or have a high blood pressure

Most OSA-patients have a high blood pressure and the syndrome is more widespread amongst overweight and obese. Sleep apnea in children is for example either due to enlarged tonsils or an issue of overweight.

A sleep apnea maskAll of these, accompanied by excessive daytime sleepiness, are all symptoms of an apnea sufferer. If you answered yes to one or several of these, you may consider contacting a sleep specialist to be diagnosed for OSA. Although surgeries, CPAP machines and lifestyle changes can cure this syndrome, OSA is extremely dangerous and can lead to death. Patients will often experience daytime fatigue, excessive morning headaches, restless sleep, mood changes, bedwetting and/or problems concentrating.

See Also: How Apnea Can Be Deadly!

Please keep in mind that the information herein are based on our own CPAP expertise and research with OSA treatment. To get properly and throughly checked for apnea, contact an accredited sleep specialists. For the contact information for sleep specialists in your area, contact American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Make sure the physician is specialized with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. if you are performing a sleep study, make sure it takes place at nighttime when you would be tired and ready to sleep. OSA has many consequences and negative health impacts, but the good news is that an apnea face mask may help treat the syndrome and eliminate the dangers so often associated with OSA.

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Danger Lurks In Your CPAP Humidifier!

Did you know that many sleep doctors and respiratory therapists are reluctant to prescribe heated humidifiers for masks treating sleep apnea? But why? Because many patients do not maintain the cleanliness of their humidifier by changing the water and cleaning the canister daily which can be breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria that the patient is inhaling into their respiratory system nightly. According to a recent 2015 survey, nearly 60 percent of all patients admitted to not cleaning their humidifiers on a daily basis. Over 25 percent of the people surveyed did not clean their humidifiers more than a couple of times monthly! Too much moisture can easily attract virus, bacterias and even mold. Patients should keep this in mind, and always remember to clean their humidifiers on a regular basis. With institutions such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as the Consumer Product Safety Commission warning patients of unclean humidifiers for their masks, cleaning your device will drastically lower your chances of ever getting viruses or unwanted bacterias as a result of using your medical equipment.

Additionally, every supplier of humidifiers strongly recommends the use of distilled water rather than tap water which is loaded with many types of unhealthy suspended pollutants, chemicals, toxins and other contaminants as well as significant amounts of chlorine Using distilled water will also prevent calcium mineral build-up on the inside of the chamber which can make it appear dirty and unsanitary. Maybe the most crucial factor in maintaining a working CPAP mask involves to take care of the equipment. So remember to always empty the humidifier completely after each use, and always fill it with distilled water. Our CPAPPRO can be cleaned with dish soaps and hot water, and calcium deposits can easily be removed with with one part vinegar to three parts water on a weekly basis in order to soaking the chambers. When not treated and cleaned, patients can easily risk breathing in air with mold which can cause a variety of various illnesses and health issues, including for instance bronchitis and several allergic reactions are common.

Furthermore, when not even cleaning the best CPAP masks for your sleep apnea treatment, consequences could involve asthma, fever, breathing difficulties, throat irritations, coughs, headaches, as well as eye-, nose-, throat- or lung irritations. Breathing in all that polluted air will make anyone ill, and it is therefore crucially important to remember cleaning the device as a regular routine. Still not convinced? Studies have shown a unclean CPAP mask to be as much as 400 times more dirty than a toilet seat! Objects we touch daily such as keyboards and refrigerators are meccas of germs, just as also even the best CPAP masks on the market as well. Also do not use ordinary humidifiers to increase air moisture inside. Excessive amounts of humidity will lead to growth of further fungal- and bacterial growths. Failing to change waters and remaining the humidifier clean can lead to various unnecessary issues when algae, molds and viruses make their home in your CPAPPRO or other device for sleep apnea treatment. Allergy symptoms might be the most prevalent when not cleaning the device properly or regularly. Common allergy symptoms may include infections, bad coughs, nasal congestions, eye irritability, and more.

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Sleep-Apnea and Sexual Dysfunction in Men

In this very modern age talking about erectile- or sexual dysfunction is no longer a no no. We are bombarded constantly with advertisements on all types of media outlets for the marketing of Viagra and other erectile aids. Scientific studies have established definitive relationship between erectile problems and apnea. With normal sleep a male should have several erections during the night during deep Rem sleep. If not, this is a good indication that the patient is probably suffering from sleep apnea and should be tested accordingly. Patients with erectile problems in most instances had a much higher possibility of suffering from apnea. Researchers have discovered in one study that 69% of male candidates with obstructive sleep apnea also had erectile dysfunction and related sex drive problems during during non-sleep periods.

Lack of quality sleep and constant apnea arousals throughout the night can inhibit the production of essential, vital testosterone, an essential male hormone. Testosterone is extremely important for the activation and enhancement of the sexual drive. Reduction of testosterone within the male body and sex drive problems should be considered as significant indicators of sleep apnea, usually treated with CPAP masks. Sexual- or erectile problems such as lack of lust, inability to perform or enjoy sex, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, impotence, and many more problems with sexual performance are directly linked to – and caused by – sleep apnea. Many of our customers at CPAPPRO have reported increased sexual interest and a healthier sex life after utilizing our sleep apnea face mask. The disorder is associated with various other problems including anxiety, sleep deprivation, depression, stress, and more. If you are experiencing one or more of these problems daily you may be suffering from sleep-apnea, and should talk to your health care specialist for a diagnosis.

According to recent research, apnea not only leads to sexual dysfunction in men, but also in women. According to researcher such as Dr. Hirshkowiz of the Baylor University of Medicine, male sleep-apnea sufferers also suffer from a lower level of testosterone. Studies done at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and other facilities have also shown CPAP masks are the best way of treating the sexual dysfunctions caused by apnea. The problem of loud snoring can also often lead to a lack of love life and even separate bedrooms, but a sleep apnea face mask will help eliminate the snoring and keep your sleep- and sexual life healthy. Contact us today to hear more about how CPAPPRO can eliminate your apnea and restore your sex life today!